Why do you need a Vintage Shelf Company?

Vintage Shelf companies are companies that have been incorporated at least a year ago and can be purchased 'off the shelf'. By purchasing such a company you will be in a position to start business activities in less than a day, which includes signing contracts, bidding for projects etc.

More often than not, you would find that many contracts and opportunities require the bidders to be with a certain minimum number of experience. By acquiring a Vintage Company based on the bid requirement, you can qualify yourself to bid for such projects since the entity would have been in existence for the minimum required period.

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What does a Vintage Shelf Company achieve for you?

Quick turn-around-time: When time is of essence, Shelf Companies are ideal. There is virtually ZERO set up time. You just need to choose from the list on our inventory and purchase it for starting operations.

Availability: The companies that are available on the inventory list are available for purchase and use based on your quick decision. With a variety of names and vintage to choose from, it is easy to acquire a company of your choice.

Provides a clean history: The companies on our Vintage list are all in good order. Which means, all statutory annual fees have been paid and accounted for and has been maintained 'free of transactions'. This would help you in having a history which has been maintained clean and ready to use.

Abacus Advantage
  • Virtually ZERO setup time
  • No transactions and free from liabilities
  • Wide variety of names to choose from
  • Pick up off the shelf
  • Upto 6 years old
  • In Good Order with clean history
  • Option to change names based on availability